We waste 7.6 million tonnes of food each year, 70% of it is perfectly edible
Food loss and waste occurs at all stages of the food supply chain – production, processing, sales, and consumption.[12][11] Definitions of what constitutes food loss versus food waste or what parts of foods (i.e., inedible parts) exit the food supply chain are considered lost or wasted vary.Terms are often defined on a situational basis (as is the case more generally with definitions of waste).[12][13] Professional bodies, including international organizations, state governments, and secretariats may use their own definitions.
Food waste costs our economy $36.6B a year
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The majority of food waste in Australia comes from our homes (2.5 million tonnes)
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Food waste costs households $2,000 - $2,500 per year
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More than 25 million hectares of land is wasted to grow food that is not eaten
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The top five most wasted foods in Australia are vegetables, bread, fruit, bagged salad, and leftovers
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Over 2 million households in Australia went hungry in the last 12 months due to lack of funds, sometimes skipping meals or going whole days without eating.
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Demand for food relief is higher than ever. The charities OzHarvest support reported a 61% increase in demand in the last 6 months. 32% of these charities cannot meet the current demand and reported that 30% of the people they support are seeking food relief for the first time.
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54% of food insecure households have someone in paid work. The rising cost of living is the most common explanation for why people are failing to meet their household food requirements.
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1.3 million children lived in food insecure households last year.
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